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NESEA 2019: Carbon Drawdown Now! Turning Buildings into Carbon Sinks

Download our full keynote presentation here.

Together with our friends the Endeavour Sustainable Building School we were the keynote speakers for the 2019 NESEA BuildingEnergy in Boston, we’re pleased to share our presentation for download above. You can watch the presentation here:

Our central message was that:

  • Truly addressing climate change requires us to change our thinking, and move beyond a narrow, mechanistic view of issues to an interconnected style of thinking.

  • Lots of humans single-mindedly pursue a fossil-fuel economy to the exclusion of all other impacts: including human health, mass extinction, loss of biodiversity, climate change, racism, classism, sexism.

  • Material substitutions in a business-as-usual scenario isn't sufficient. We need to think outside our silos as building and design professionals and connect our work to that of other trades such as sustainable forestry, eco-agriculture and to movements for social & climate justice.